ELT research in Turkey: A content analysis of selected features of published articles

Oktay Yağız, Burcu Aydın, Ahmet Selçuk Akdemir


This study reviews a selected sample of 274 research articles on ELT, published between 2005 and 2015 in Turkish contexts. In the study, 15 journals in ULAKBIM database and articles from national and international journals accessed according to convenience sampling method were surveyed and relevant articles were obtained. A content analysis was implemented for each article in terms of subjects, research design, data collection tools, samples and data analyses through  an “Article Classification Formâ€. Results showed that Turkish ELT researchers have been mostly interested in language learning and teaching, and commonly used quantitative research designs with more often descriptive tools and analysis procedures compared to inferential analyses. Samples generally consist of undergraduate students and teachers. The main themes were found to be  language learning/acquisition,  language teaching and teacher education with mostly quantitative research designs between 2005-2015 years. Given the implementational components, it was seen that questionnaires were  designed mostly  in Likert type, sampling preference was for undergraduate students with 101-300 sample size, and most often descriptive  statistical procedure were used. Moreover, some suggestions were made for ELT and applied linguistics researchers related to  themes, research designs and statistical procedures.




Content analysis; research trends; educational research; English language; ELT.

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