Pre-service teachers’ evaluation of practices in teaching English to young learners according to 21st century teacher qualifications

Abdülvahit Çakır, Müzeyyen Nazlı Güngör


This study explores the perspectives of 3rd and 4th year pre-service teachers on the evaluation of the practices in teaching English to young learners based on 21st century teacher qualifications. Employing a mixed methods design, the qualitative data come from semi-structured interviewed questions administered to pre-service teachers registered in five different English Language Teaching programmes. The quantitative data come from the content analysis of the course “Teaching English to Young Learners†syllabuses in these universities. The findings indicate that pre-service teachers have individual learning needs mainly on organizational skills, the use of technology, and characteristics of young learners. The current syllabuses for the course are found to be ineffective in terms of growing 21st century teachers. This study also discusses pre-service teachers’ readiness levels as a 21st century teacher to teach young learners English. Suggestions are made for the course content and teachers’ fundamental needs to promote 21st century teacher qualifications at pre-service level. 


21st century teacher qualifications; teaching English to young learners; pre-service teacher education

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