The impact of non-native English teachers’ linguistic insecurity on learners’ productive skills

Giti Ehtesham Daftari, Zekiye Müge Tavil


The discrimination between native and non-native English speaking teachers is reported in favor of native speakers in literature. The present study examines the linguistic insecurity of non-native English speaking teachers (NNESTs) and investigates its influence on learners' productive skills by using SPSS software. The eighteen teachers participating in this research study are from different countries, mostly Asian, and they all work in a language institute in Ankara, Turkey. The learners who participated in this work are 300 intermediate, upper-intermediate and advanced English learners. The data related to teachers' linguistic insecurity were collected by questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and proficiency tests. Pearson Correlation and ANOVA Tests were used and the results revealed that NNESTs' linguistic insecurity, neither female nor male teachers, is not significantly correlated with the learners' writing and speaking scores.


linguistic insecurity, non-native English teachers, productive skills, questionnaire, interview, proficiency test

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