Selfie@ssessment as an alternative form of self-assessment at undergraduate level in higher education

Ayşegül Takkaç Tulgar


This study aimed to get ideas formed by undergraduate foreign language students about the applicability and advantages and disadvantages of ‘selfie@ssessment’. Underpinning this study of selfie@ssessment by undergraduate students is that an increasing body of research and a good many theoretical views acknowledge the importance of self- and group assessment by students for their performances in the activities they carry out in their learning process. This study, without contrasts with the prevailing notion in the self-assessment by students in assessment acquis, offers a new perspective to the traditional approach undergraduate students assess themselves for their learning performances and presentations within the class. The unique approach in this study is that students are expected to send their selfie-recorded self- or group assessments via mobile phones or cameras enabling self-recording to their teachers through the Internet facilities. Implemented as a research to test how undergraduate students would approach the new concept, this study is intended to bring to the fore a new dimension in self-assessment utilizing modern methods of communication and data transmission in the light of the framework of data obtained in the area self-assessment.

Keywords: Selfie-assessment; self-assessment; video assessment; technology use in student assessment; undergraduate students; foreign language education

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