The Lexical Content of the Description of Ukrainian Cultural Realities in the Awesome Ukraine Book Series

Iryna A. Biletska, Alla F. Paladieva, Inna S. Laukhina, Anna Yu. Kryshko, Ihor Yu. Hurskiy


Intense globalization and consequent expansion of intercultural contacts have led to the foundation for interlinguoculturology, a new sub-field in linguistics. It is focused on the study of English as a language of intercultural communication, which makes the article extremely relevant. This research aims to study lexical features of the English-language description of Ukrainian culture based on the Awesome Ukraine Book Series. In article was distinguished thematic groups of exotisms and determinate their role in demonstrating foreign-language cultural realities based on a lexico-semantic analysis of exotic vocabulary‚ presented in the description of foreign-language cultures. Also, the thematic groups of urbanonyms of the book series "Amazing Ukraine" were identified and their functions were indicated. As a result, it was found out that one of the most common types of texts, which describe a foreign-language culture, is a tourist guide. In general, tourist guides belong to intercultural communication and tourism discourse. They contain up-to-date information about the described tourist objects‚ their history and cultural features‚ as well as a wide range of traditions and customs. Urbanonims, as a separate group of lexical units, are intended to nominate intraurban objects. They embody the semantic image of a city and shape its urban space.

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