Uncovering of ideological stances of the Indonesian Presidents through an amalgamation analysis of attitudinal analysis and critical discourse analysis

Suswanto Ismadi Megah S, Siti Noor Fazelah Binti Mohd Noor, Azmi Abdul Latif, Mas'ud Muhammadiah, Asri Bin Selamat


This present study attempts  to identify the hidden ideology of the Indonesian Presidents’ speeches in the post-new order. By using an amalgamation of analytical tools, Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) incorporates with Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL), especially Martin and White's (2005) The subtypes of Appraisal system, Attitudinal analysis to uncover the ideological stance inside the presidential speech texts. This paper has two main objectives. Firstly, it is to identify the most frequent distribution of the social actor as being targeted in the speeches. Secondly, it is to uncover ideological stance realized through lexical choices of utterances toward social actors.  The research data was selected from two prominent presidential speeches of President Susilo Yudhoyono (henceforth, SBY) 3386 words and President Jokowi Widodo (henceforth, Jokowi) 3386 words. This present research was designed qualitatively. The results showed judgmental subcategory surpassed the other two attitudinal categories by a large margin in the speeches of SBY and Jokowi with more than 54 % (81 instances) of attitudinal choices. The exceeding judgmental category was used to identify how SBY and Jokowi evaluated the selected actors (Government, People, and Politician). The exceeding of tenacity resources upon the other subtypes of Judgment by a small margin with 15 instances exceeded  SBY by a split gap with 14 instances. The most frequent subtype of tenacity was to evaluate the social actors indicated someone is dependable to overcome their obstacles. Thus, SBY and Jokowi evaluated the people of Indonesia as the dependable actors positively inscribed evaluation of tenacity to give stress to the audiences since they delivered explicitly to avoid misunderstanding between the presidents with audiences. Real support from the people urgently needed to build good power relations. This study was concluded SBY and Jokowi evaluated the people of Indonesia using positively inscribed evaluation toward the people of Indonesia to describe their positive value toward the people of Indonesia as the dependable people to work hard with their strength. This was done by both presidents to obtain the public's trust to support their power.


Appraisal; CDA; ideology; presidential speech; Indonesian Presidents

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