Speaking learning based on multimedia

Iis Lisnawati


Learning media is one component that determines the success of learning. Learning media that should be used in the present day is a learning medium that facilitates students to be students and graduates are multi-competent, multi-literate, critical thinking, creative, innovative, able to cooperate and collaborate. Learning media that have these characteristics are learning media that combine, collaborate, or integrate several learning media, for example images, graphics, audio, and so on. Because the media uses several media, the media is referred to as multimedia. The multimedia chosen in speaking learning, especially on presentation, should be relevant to the needs of learning materials and learning objectives at each stage of the speaking, which includes (1) pre-speaking stages (e.g. group presentation videos used to analyze concepts and presentation aspects; e-books, journals online, online articles, e-mails used to determine the topics, develop topics, and compose the content of speech, etc.) (b) speaking stage, and (3) post-speaking stage. The use of multimedia in each stage of speaking facilitates students to succeed in learning


multimedia; speaking; presentations; speaking learning; critical thinking

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