Empowering the 21st Century Materials for Basic Creative Writing Instructions

Mahdi Aben Ahmed


This study investigated the practical roles of 21st century materials in creative writing instructions by manipulating social media’s common features to compose 21st century tools alongside a conceptualized creative writing model. It was found out that writing instructions can be operated utilizing contemporary materials that exist around learners’ environment. It manifested real-world motivation and authentic material utilization; independent learning, instructive reinforcement, situating learning, practical instructions and utilization flexibility as perceived by the writer reinforced by fellow language educators’ perceptions and other researchers’ pedagogical claims. This paper employed descriptive method that utilized ranking, percentages and frequency. Mode was used to strengthen and emphasize central tendencies. Current teachers should further experiment on this conceptualized creative writing model with appropriate chosen 21st century inputs linking to the timely and relevant needs of modern English language learners without ignoring educational organizations’ language programs or curricula. Findings revealed that through the strength and features embedded in under the chosen 21st century materials, creative writing model could be effectively employed. The study’s favorable findings align to sixteen (16) criteria in contexts.


21st century materials; creative writing; writing models; teaching springboards; task designs teaching strategy; authentic materials; social media

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