
Mehmet Demirezen


Welcome to the 7th Year 2nd Issue of our prestigious journal. We are happy to announce that from this issue on our journal has been indexed in Linguistics Abstracts Online, ASOS Index, DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), and Index Copernicus as well. We hope many others are coming soon. For this success, we hereby congratulate those without whose valuable contributions and efforts it would be impossible for our journal to be accepted in these highly prestigious indexes. In this issue our journal has been published in a bit different format. Therefore, we suggest the authors check the new format in addition to our submission guidelines for further issues. Turkish authors are required to submit an extended summary in Turkish to appear at the end of their articles. The foreign authors are not required to submit this summary.
The article by Motallebzadeh and Ghaemi investigates the relationships between EFL learners' level of reading engagement and their conceptual knowledge from text and reading proficiency. Özmen in his study attempts to analyze the washback effect of SEPPPO, a national high-stakes examination, on prospective English teachers. Muriungi, Mukuthuria, and Gatavi investigate the nature and typology of errors that primary school pupils in Nembure Division, Embu County, Kenya make in the acquisition of English as a second language. Sarıçoban and Aktaş suggest new strategies to understand interlocutors who are speaking in an unknown language. Joy examines the dual-perspectives on authenticity in English language teaching. Lastly, Turgut and Tuncer, based on constructivist theoretical framework, investigate the impact of digital dual-language storybooks on bilingual learners’ vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension skills.
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Demirezen
On behalf of the editorial board

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Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies
ISSN 1305-578X (Online)
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