An exploratory study on pre-service teachers’ reflective reports of their video-recorded microteaching

Ahmet Önal


The micro-teaching technique has been utilized for more than half a century by teacher education programs with the main aim of providing pre-service teachers with practice opportunities. The flexible nature of the technique makes it possible to adapt the implementation to the peculiarities of any specific context. In addition, the latest technological developments such as smartphones and the internet can also be integrated into the microteaching technique to increase its efficiency. In this study, the participating pre-service teachers have been asked to video-record their microteaching performances and watch their performances several times before they write a reflective report on their performance. The technique of content analysis has been applied in the analysis process of the reflective reports and their perceptions as to their instructional skills have been identified. It has also been observed that, in comparison to traditional implementation of the microteaching technique, integration of smartphone video-recording technology into the microteaching technique has yielded benefits particularly in terms of the feedback stage and improving pre-service teachers’ reflective skills.    

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