Religious anthroponyms in the works of Mashkhur Zhusup

Gulnara Abisheva, Aitmukhambet Trushev, Nartai Zhussupov, Aynur Karipzhanova


The article considers the role of religious anthroponyms in the service of the text of the works of Mashkhur Zhusup Kopeyevich. In Mashkhur's works, religious poetonymy is described, in particular, the elements of certain information, the names of the prophets, the image and actions of any epoch of their life, cognitive features are revealed. In this context, theoretical and literary works are analyzed and theoretical conclusions of scientists are given. Religious poetonyms are secret for various reasons. By looking at religious names from the works, we can determine the personal knowledge of the author of the work, the literary content of his thoughts, and make sure that these names are associated with the stories of the Quran. Anthroponyms such as Adam, Muhammad, Abu Jahl, Gabriel, Rasul, Michael, Israfil, John, Jacob, Jesus, David, Solomon, Idris, Moses are used in the saga. Focusing on each of them and describing their cognitive significance – defines the purpose of our article. Poetic and artistic understanding of various concepts of Islam requires the widespread use of Islamic anthroponyms. Religious onyms act not only as names of artistic images, but also as a bright tool of lexical and stylistic system of poetic work.


onomastics; poetonym; anthroponym; work of fiction; religious anthroponym

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