Educational activities in online mode: An investigation of English teachers’ perspectives on difficulties faced with basic level pupils

Ayed T. Alharbi


Electronic educational platforms are considered as one of the most important educational trends due to the confluence of many factors, prime among them being the all-pervading online mode of education. The aim of the current study is to identify the level of difficulties that English language teachers face in electronically conducting learning activities with basic school pupils from their perspectives. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher uses a questionnaire (descriptive method) with a purposive sample of 57 teachers. The results indicate that there are some difficulties that English teachers face when implementing educational activities electronically in teaching English language skills to primary school learners, however, there are no statistically significant differences between arithmetic means of teachers’ responses to the questionnaire due to differences in the academic qualification degree variable. Moreover, there are statistical significance differences between the arithmetic means of teachers’ responses in difficulties that face in implementing educational activities of teaching English skills electronically due to differences in the years of experience variable for teachers who have long experience.  Results of the study would present managerial and pedagogical implications on the use of learning activities in online learning mode.


basic level pupils; difficulties; educational activities; electronic learning; english language skills; perspectives

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