Nasser Saud Alrayes, Yasser Abdulsalam Rady, Ahmed Ramadan Khatiry


The recent changes in leadership and administration in higher education institutions have undergone a significant increase in the occupational roles and responsibilities of leaders. The present study is an extension of prior studies in investigating transformational leadership by analyzing the impact of transformational leadership on the level of academics’ loyalty to the university. Moreover, how the academic and demographic variables can influence faculty perspectives of transformational leadership practices among their leaders and their level of loyalty. The study sample included 108 faculty in Deanship of preparatory year at IAU. Means, standard deviations, ANOVA, and correlations tests were used to analyse the data collection. The findings concluded a high level of transformational leadership among academic leaders from faculty point of view and a medium level of organizational loyalty. The study provided insights that all the components of transformational leadership affect positively on organizational loyalty. The results concluded a significant impact of academic rank and years of experiences on normative loyalty and continuous loyalty, respectively. A significant impact of academic rank on all components of transformational leadership was reported with no influences of faculty gender on their analysis of transformative leadership of leaders and their level of organizational loyalty.


transformative leadership; organizational loyalty; academic and demographic variables.

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