Computational Thinking And Development Of Cognitive Skills Mediated By Unplugged Activities

César Augusto Hernández Suárez, Audin Aloiso Gamboa Suárez, Raúl Prada Núñez


This article shows computational thinking in a high school student's class using a strategy based on unplugged activities to develop and strengthen it. The quantitative method was used with a quasi-experimental approach, through a pretest-posttest design and an intervention with unplugged activities to assess computational thinking skills (algorithmic thinking, decomposition, generalization, abstraction and evaluation). The results indicate that the implementation of the unplugged activities allowed a slight improvement in the development of the students' computational thinking, comparing the pretest and post-test results, especially in the skills of algorithmic thinking, decomposition, and evaluation, but these were not outstanding. It is concluded that it is necessary to conduct a broader study that includes connected and disconnected activities and transversal to other areas.


Skills, Computational thinking, secondary education.

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