Discrete Event Simulation In The Optimization Of Emergency Departments

Palacios-Alvarado Wlamyr, Luna-Pereira, Henry Orlando, Caicedo-Rolon, Alvaro Junior


Emergency departments are the most important units of the hospital network, which present daily problems in their system due to inefficient resource management. The objective of this research is to study the various problems presented by emergency departments and how they have been solved using optimization and simulation models. Based on the implemented methodology, 52 publications (books and articles) were collected, which allowed the investigation of the problems generated in the emergency departments and the models that helped to reduce or improve these problems. The most applied quantitative methodology is the simulation of discrete events and the most used software is the Arena simulator. Finally, the performance indicators used in the modeling of the system are the length of stay, arrival at the provider's door (doctor's door), rate of patients leaving without being attended and total waiting times. It is concluded that the application of the different models helps to improve the ED system, such as decreasing waiting times and reducing overcrowding.


Discrete events, Patient flow, Overcrowding, Emergency department, Simulation.

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