Perceptions of undergraduate students of a business school regarding their learning in law courses

William R. Avendaño, Gerson Rueda, Abad E. Parada-Trujillo


The objective of this research is to describe the perceptions of university students of programs attached to a faculty of business sciences about their learning experience in the framework of subjects with legal or juridical content. The study was framed in the analytical empirical paradigm, the quantitative approach of descriptive level and the non-experimental-transversal deductive method. The sample consisted of 420 people from three professional programs: business administration, international commerce and public accounting of a public university in the city of Cúcuta in Colombia. A Likert-type questionnaire with 21 questions associated with four dimensions of analysis was applied as an instrument: understanding of legal concepts, aptitudes for the application of legal knowledge, motivation for learning legal knowledge and relevance of legal knowledge for professional training. The data collected were analyzed through descriptive statistical processes. The results allow inferring that, in general, university students positively perceive their learning within the framework of subjects with legal or juridical content, although a lower, but not irrelevant, percentage of participants deviate from this trend. It is concluded that the motivation associated with teachers' teaching practices and beliefs about the usefulness of this knowledge seems to positively influence their self-perception of learning and comprehension abilities and skills.


perceptions; university students; learning; legal subjects; business sciences.

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