Diagnosis of Emotional Intelligence and Occupational Behavior in School Children

Raúl Prada Núñez, Cesar Augusto Hern ández Suárez, Audin Audin Aloiso Gamboa Suarez


This research is oriented to determine the possible influence that could exist between emotional intelligence and occupational behavior in a group of elementary school students of a public educational institution. Due to the objective pursued, a quantitative approach was adopted at a descriptive correlational level following a field design, using as instruments the implementation of the Occupational Self-Assessment for children and the Test based on Emotional Intelligence of the human occupation model. The results allow concluding that approximately 48% of participating students present incompetence in occupational behavior, which prevents reaching the motivation for doing, which impedes the stabilization of daily activities and the realization of occupations. Additionally, they present difficulty in both variables under study, so it was possible to verify the existence of the relationship between emotional intelligence in occupational behavior, since the lack of self-control, self-awareness, self-knowledge, and motivation, among many others, limits the assertive decision making, the way of doing things and therefore their acting


Emotional intelligence, motivation, self-control, decision-making, occupational behavior.

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