Analysis of the North Santanderean market for the transformation and sale of metals

Fuentes Castellanos, Marlon Andrés, Davila Perez, Marvin Vladimir, Castellanos Vargas, Yaneth


The globalization of the market, changes in the economy and the constant search for new income, among other economic and social factors, make companies intensify the search for new alternatives that allow growth, that is why the business plan is developed, which through techniques and tools, aims to achieve objectives by analyzing its weaknesses, opportunities, strengths and threats, in order to direct its capabilities towards opportunities that help grow and position the company in front of the competition.

The business plan is used to document the owner's plans for the business. The document is used to communicate plans, strategies and tactics to its managers, partners and investors. This research exposes the uncertainty present in the company Comercializadora Normetales S.A.S., specifically in the management, which through strategies seeks to study the proposal of the business plan, to analyze the objectives set out in the study, which will allow a diagnosis of the organization, propose an investigation of its market, human, operational and financial management in order to find solutions.


activity, standard, method, process, process, variable

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