Instrumentation for the development of an early warning system in the city of San José de Cúcuta

Cárdenas-Gutiérrez Javier Alfonso, Jácome – Carrascal José Leonardo, NJ Cely-Calixto


The acquisition of tools and instruments to quantify the magnitude of climatic phenomena such as rainfall, temperature and seismic activity are necessary for the proper development of studies and extrapolation of data to analyze, identify and mitigate any type of risk to which a society is exposed. This research proposes the necessary instrumentation to establish these risk analyses and develop early warning systems in the city of Cúcuta. The methodology used consisted of an analysis of the existing instrumentation in the country to address this type of risk. Subsequently, the main early warning systems that exist in different cities of the country were identified, emphasizing the emergency response in the department of Norte de Santander and the city of San José de Cúcuta. As a result, a distribution of instruments was obtained based on the relationship that exists in other early warning systems in the country. In such a way that it can be concluded that the use of this proposal is the beginning of a long road, but it will allow establishing a better risk management as well as the development of early warning systems that this city does not currently have.


EWS, Cúcuta, risk management, seismic

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