An Analysis Of Writer-Activism Paradigm In Jothibai Pariyadath’s Mayilamma

Dr. M. Angkayarkan Vinayakaselvi, R. Abinaya


Movements/protests/activisms are the significant part of articulating an issue to the mainstream socio-culture bulletin. Environmental movements in India has been providing sufficient exposure of the environment related issues from remote corners of the country. Among the numerous mainstream and grassroots environmental movements, some movements remain prominent while others have not been lucid. On the other hand, the written narratives of movements and their issues have been asserting their place in the environmental discourse. Jothibai Pariyadath’s Mayilamma: The Life of a Tribal Eco-Warrior is a writer-activists’ text of the Plachimada protest. The article positions the select text as a narrative of writer activism which is an integral part of environmentalism.


Plachimada protest; Collective action; Environmental Resistance; Mayilamma; Writer-activism.

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