Investigation of Turkish EFL learners’ attributions on success and failure in learning English

Aysun Yavuz, Devrim Hol


The purpose of this study is to investigate the attributions of Turkish EFL learners on success and failure in learning English as a foreign language with different variables such as gender and level of English proficiency.  To investigate the attributions of the participants and gather the relevant data, a questionnaire including 38 items and semi-structured interview protocol were applied. To analyze the data, SPSS 20.0 was used, and interview protocol was decoded using document analysis. It was revealed from the findings that learners attribute their success and failure to both internal and external attributions; however, they give more priority to internal attributions. Investigating all these concepts will help all the stakeholders to be aware and understand the reasons behind the learners’ success and failure in learning English with different variables including gender, and level of proficiency.


attribution theory, gender, level of proficiency, attributions, internal attributions, external attributions, locus of control

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