An investigation of anxiety and attitudes of university students towards English courses

Göksel Coşkun, Adnan Taşgın


In this study, it is aimed to examine the anxieties and attitudes of university students towards English language courses. It is a survey type study of quantitative research methods. The population of the study consists of students from a state university in Turkey. The sample consists of 700 students determined by stratified sampling method. In the study, as data collection tools, English language anxiety scale and English language attitude scale were used. As a result of the research, it is found that the students having an English preparatory education have less anxiety than those who do not have preparatory education, it is found that freshman year students had less anxiety towards English lessons than junior year students and senior year students, female students' attitudes towards English lessons are higher than male students and it also found that freshman year students have a higher attitude towards the English course.


English language, language learning, attitude, anxiety, university students

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